Outdated and Overpriced: How Data-Focused Review is Redefining Legal Efficiency
The legal industry is at a crossroads: stick with the familiar but flawed document review processes, or embrace a new, data-driven approach.
Rethinking Document Review: The Future is Data Review
With a fixed fee pricing model, Amplify reduces reliance on manual efforts and cuts costs while ensuring decisions made are clear, transparent, and defensible.
Understanding the Assignment: Technology Alignment with Legal Strategy
The alignment of technology, and the services surrounding it, to the ultimate legal goal or strategy is paramount to a successful growing practice.
Embracing a Data-Centric World: The Shift from Document Review to Data Review with Lineal
Rethinking discovery data review methodologies and practices is essential to stay relevant and deliver results in a world controlled by big data.
Lineal Proudly Sponsors Rising Golf Athlete Madison Young
Lineal proudly sponsors golf athlete Madison Young ahead of US Women's Open 2024.
Why Lineal Stands Out as a Value-Added Provider in the Relativity Ecosystem
Our team of Relativity experts, award-winning review tools, and 24/7 global support, makes us the preferred Relativity provider for legal teams worldwide.
Top 5 eDiscovery Data Transformation Techniques
Effective eDiscovery transformation requires understanding key techniques. Data cleaning involves eliminating errors and inconsistencies, crucial for usability.
A Deep Dive into Art of Data Reuse: A Guide for Seeing Beyond the Surface
Understanding data’s broader implications within legal contexts is essential. Innovative strategies include predictive analytics and risk assessments for legal compliance.
The Art and Science of Data Reuse: Unlocking Discovery Datasets
Innovative data reuse involves transforming eDiscovery datasets into dynamic tools for trend prediction, strategy formation, and operational optimization.
Navigating eDiscovery in the Chat and Collaboration Era
The rise of chat and collaboration platforms challenges eDiscovery with data volume and nuance, requiring specialized tools for effective management.