COVID-19 Update

London, UK, March 23, 2020 

Following the recent news around the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we wanted to let you know that the Lineal team are fully committed to continuing the regular service and support that you’ve come to expect from us, and want to reassure you that we have robust business continuity measures in place that means our service to you is in no way affected.

Our measures include providing:

  • A safe environment for our employees to ensure business continuity for our clients.
  • Fully secure remote working setups for all staff
  • Remote video and teleconference meeting facilities

With our business continuity plan in operation, we will keep our London office open. We will notify you if our London office is at any point closed.

Subject to Government advice, we continue to offer our full range of services including:

  • Data processing and hosting
  • Remote and at request, physical, forensic data collection
  • Hardcopy services (London) – operational hours: 9am – 5pm
  • eDiscovery project management
  • Document review
  • Cyber Security

Your data:

  •  For most data, we are able to receive data via SFTP
  • We are able to physically receive larger or more complex sets of data by arrangement at our London office

We will continue to serve our clients using the methods they are most comfortable with and in line with government and medical advice.

Rest assured, we will keep you updated as necessary as the situation evolves.

Please feel free to reach us on or ask us to set up a brief video or telephone meeting if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime.

Our thoughts and well wishes go out to anyone that has been personally impacted by COVID-19 at this point.

Thank you for your continued trust in us.

Lineal Team