Production Consulting

Focused Legal Productions with Expert Consulting

Our production consulting service is designed to guide you through the complex process of preparing documents for legal proceedings. By combining deep expertise in eDiscovery, dedicated support, and advanced project management with the technological capabilities of Amplify, Lineal ensures that your document productions are precise, compliant, and efficiently tailored to meet the demands of your case. 

Lineal Production Consulting Service

Our Expert-Led Approach

At Lineal, we understand that the production phase is critical in the litigation process. Our expert team, consisting of experienced legal professionals and project managers, is trained to handle even the most complex production demands under tight deadlines. 


Advanced Redaction Tools

Ensure that sensitive information is protected with Amplify’s sophisticated redaction capabilities, helping to avoid potential breaches of confidentiality. 

Customized Production Sets

Amplify allows for the creation of customized production sets that can be adapted based on the specific requirements of each case, ensuring that all document productions are relevant and tailored. 

Quality Control Features

Utilize Amplify’s quality control features to automatically check and validate the accuracy and completeness of document sets before they are delivered. 

Risk Mitigation

Our meticulous attention to detail and compliance reduces the risk of errors and omissions, protecting you against potential legal challenges. 

Cost Efficiency

By optimizing production workflows and utilizing advanced tools, we minimize unnecessary work and associated costs. 


Our efficient processes and technology integrations ensure that production deadlines are met without sacrificing quality. 

Tag What Matters

Export only relevant chat messages. ChatCraft, our chat and collaborative data review interface, enables teams to tag and produce only responsive material, enhancing your review’s efficiency and utility. 

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