Managed Data Review

Faster review,
deeper insights

We blend seasoned legal expertise with Amplify’s data-focused tools to provide unmatched insight into your data. Experience cost certainty coupled with unparalleled accuracy with Lineal Managed Review.

Master Complexity with Expert-Led Review

Lineal’s elite team of legal data review experts are seasoned attorneys and legal technologists. This global team delivers unmatched precision across every project while driving costs of review down and allowing for the reuse of data intelligence and process matter to matter.

Broad Legal Acumen

Our reviewers' expansive domain knowledge ensures adept handling of specialized and complex content.

Dynamic Scalability

Tailored to the scope of your needs, our teams flex without compromising on quality or deadlines, ensuring a seamless adjustment to the demands of any project.


Our experts and review tools solve the challenges posed by modern data and get you the insight you need to make impactful decisions.

Supercharged with Amplify

Empower your review strategy with Amplify, Lineal’s premier suite of advanced eDiscovery tools embedded within Relativity. We solve data review in ways that matter.

Advanced Analytics

Swiftly sift through data to highlight essential documents and communicators, sharply reducing the review volume. 

AI-Driven Precision

Employ innovative tools for enhanced accuracy and speed, integrating effortlessly into our review workflows.

Customizable Efficiency

Amplify’s adaptable technology allows for the crafting of bespoke workflows that maximize efficiency and effectiveness. 

Cost Efficiency

Our strategic integration of expert insights with top-tier technology significantly reduces the need for manual review, cutting down on costs. 

End-to-End Coverage

From initial data gathering to final document production, our comprehensive services streamline the process, saving time and resources. 

Ready for the Courtroom

Our team is adept at preparing flexible production sets tailored to meet various legal and client-specific standards, ensuring your documents are ready whenever you need them. 

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